Monday, October 5, 2015

Oregon gunman's background is revealed by mother. Eleni Loving-period1

Online posts made by the mother of the Oregon community college gunman Christopher Harper- Mercer have given people a better understanding of is mental condition and background. Ms.Harper was a single mother who was said to keep to themselves a lo by net, and they were both very interested in guns.Both the mother and the son had aspergers syndrome according to posts she made in forums trying to help other people. She explained that she was very proud of her son and was planning to pursue a career in filming.

The Oregon shooting has been getting very popular lately, and now people are getting insight into their personal lives from the mothers' earlier online comments. Finding out this information about this family raises many questions about why exactly a man with mental disabilities was able to legally obtain so many armed weapons. This article connects to the amendment that allows people to own guns. It's a perfect example for how dangerous this is and how it will start to endanger uninvolved people more and more.


  1. How is it that people are able to obtain guns so easily in this country? Especially people with mental disabilities, and now people are trying to defend guns. Saying that more guns will make us safer? I understand why people in the colonial era had the appeal of the right to bear arms, but now I think safety for our people is more important than safety for our guns. - Juliet Nelson 9

  2. If I had a button that could make all the guns in the world disappear, better yet all the weapons, I would push it straight away. Gun control has gained momentum as a popular topic lately, and I agree, why would a mentally handicapped indivdual be allowed to have a gun? - Brenna Hale(6th Period)
