Monday, October 26, 2015

REI closes stores on black friday by Eleanor E-W

REI, a popular store selling outdoorsy stuff, declared that it will no longer be open on black friday. Instead, they are closing their doors and paying their employees to not come in, and encouraging customers trying to shop online to go outside. REI believes that doing this is a better move in terms of commitment to their members and loyal shoppers, and that all the black friday stuff has just gotten to be too much.
I couldn't agree more with REI! Historically, black friday wasn't always such a huge shopping "holiday" but in the last ten or fifteen years, the culture around black friday has begun to shift--turning into a huge consumeristic holiday. Personally, I think REI is doing the right thing by encouraging going outdoors (what their business is founded on) instead of excessive shopping, and hopefully, they'll set an example for other companies to follow.



  1. I enjoy the deals of black friday, is black friday supposed to have a meaning other than sales? Its ironic of course that its right after thanksgiving.

  2. If i were a REI employee i would be VERY happy about having that particular day off!!!!!

    1. Okay but you aren't an REI employee so how would you know how they feel? You don't. Please don't presume that you know what it's like to work in REI because I know you have never worked at REI or anywhere similar. Maybe they are sad about having black friday off, you don't know.

  3. I think this takes a lot of stress off of REI. It will be great, they dont have to worry about being stressed when the people come flooding in (costumers and employees), and costumers still get the good deals. -Lia kerkman 6

  4. I love this! I never understood black friday, Its like saying to your employee's, "You have to be here working on Thanksgiving and to top it off you're gonna pull an all nighter and deal with rude customers."
