Sunday, October 25, 2015

Cameron Eisenberg- Sky taxis about to become reality

Story- Sky taxis are what Jerry Sanders, CEO of Skytran, calls the transportation of the future. Sky taxis will magnetically  float 20-30 ft in the air on elevated tracks. The tracks will be made from steel and aluminum, and will be $8 million a kilometer, while today's railroads and subways cost about $100 million a kilometer. The taxis are propelled by electromagnetic propulsion, so the system is environmentally friendly. This Sky Taxis are being made by Skytran, in California, and Isreal Aerospace Industries, in Tel Aviv, Isreal. They can travel up to 60mph and hold 4 people. Mr Sanders hopes to see Sky Taxis floating in Isreali and American cities by 2018.
Analysis- the future appears to be going to flying for mass transportation. Guess "Back to the Future" was right. This can be compared to when cars were made. Completely revolutionized transportation from horse carriages and trains to cars. Looks like this will happen again with floating objects, seeing as how many are being invented and patented today. Can't wait to fly places!
Article written by Parija Kavilanz business/skytran-air-taxis/

1 comment:

  1. this is very cool and its great that its more cost and eco freindly
