Monday, October 26, 2015

Judge Dismisses Jury For Being Almost Completely White, Emir Price, 9th

Y'all don't understand how hype I am on this.

So some time during the week before last, this judge from Lousiville Olu Stevens, dismisses a jury of forty-one for including only one black person. He reasoned that the jury was not one of the defendant's own peers and needed to be fixed, and boy was he right. Now, he's getting attention from the Supreme Court on whether or not he's using his power excessively.

Now some of y'all might think, "Uhmmmm liikeee, yeah, that judge is totes ma gotes abusing his power, like, ttyl" or however y'all talk, but I know some of you don't understand the nature of the All White Jury.

The All White Jury has been the bane of many young black people's lives and careers for as long as they decided black people finally had the right to even be represented in court. Well, just cause black folks finally got "fair trials" that would supposedly keep them from being oppressed, at least from a legal standpoint, doesn't mean there isn't a white man somewhere that knows his way around a loophole. That's when he thought of the All White Jury. The All White Jury is a clever legal tactic that works wonders for incarcerating black people because of three key factors: 1. Some of the white people on the All White Jury genuinely have no idea how black people's lives are, so they make quick decisions assuming black people must be living the same as they are because they're equal enough to be represented in court. 2. Some (read:almost all) white people empathize less with black people, so can't make themselves care what happens to someone that doesn't remind them of someone they know or love. 3. Some of them are just cruel crackers that hate black people.

With these factors in play, it's notoriously easy to get a guilty verdict on a black person for any type of offense.

Well, I'm backing Judge Stevens for finally sticking it to the All White Jury. He's awake and he sees through tactics, and if anything needs to be reviewed by the Supreme Court, it's whether a it's mandatory to really have a jury of one's own peers.


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