Monday, October 26, 2015

Adriana Hinojosa 8th period, It's Never Too Late

So, a man in Alabama turned in a library book 63 years late. I love this guy. This is totally something I would do. I mean, this blog post is a week late. Maybe I shouldn't have said that. Mrs. Countryman, if you're reading, sorry. I lead a busy life. Anyway, this Bobby Rice character did not just return this overdue book to any library, no, but to his old high school library. I currently have like 6 books checked out at this school, actually, so Mr. Pendleton, I apologize if you are reading this. I even took one of them to the Grand Canyon, actually, and got rock on it, a li'l canyon.

When they released the name of the book he returned I naturally did my research. The book he was returning was Lydia Bailey which is a book that is written by Kenneth Roberts. Kenneth Roberts was an American writer born in Maine. A state that is often confused to be one of the 13 colonies, but wasn't.


  1. This post is witty and bold and it's the best one i've read today. Gave me a good chuckle.

  2. I strive to be this guy, how in the world did he find that book after 63 years? Crazy and great.

  3. you crack me up like an egg!!! But yeah, this is something I would do, I actually recently found a book from middle school that I never returned :/ This made me feel like I should.

  4. did they charge him for the book?
    I once stole a book from my 2nd grade classroom library. It wasn't an accident.
