Monday, October 26, 2015

End of the World? - Bennett Copley 8th

...Just kidding.
But almost, as it turns out, those opening their doors to trick-or-treaters won't be the only ones that will be scared on halloween night, as an asteroid is supposed to narrowly miss earth. It will be the closest such a large object will come to earth until 2027 as it will be just farther away from the earth than the moon. Very rarely does something like this happen and NASA is planning on studying this asteroid's composition and abundance of certain things like water, which might be used to travel to Mars. In 2000, some thought that asteroid 2000 FL would hit earth, it missed, by 15 million miles. This asteroid is only supposed to miss by 300,000 miles. As I count it, the world should have ended about a hundred times, whether it be the whole end of the mayan calender or just some guy says the world will end and gets everyone to give him their money. The world has faced worse odds and come out on top, however, the world has faced better odds and come out on bottom.



  1. I find this very intriguing, especially considering the fact that the possibility of us existing is extremely small! We've narrowly escaped our fate and depletion of existence, including death by our own hands.

  2. This is really interesting! I think it's so cool that an asteroid will be this close! I wonder how big it'll look to us and if we'll be able to see it clearly, because that sounds super cool

  3. Great opening. Really had me on the edge of my seat. 10 out of 10 dank. I think it's interesting that this is happening. - Gunnar Ozuna Period 6

  4. This is very interesting because it could change our existence and way of living as we know it! I'm thankful that it is supposed to miss Earth, but it really puts me in perspective of how important it is to value and make the most of all the time that we have. -Nicole Chatham 6th period

  5. This reminds me of Columbus' discovery of the new world. This will give us a really up close look at an asteroid of which could wield countless possible discoveries, which for all we know could be just as ground breaking as Mr. Columbus' discovery. For all we know, definite signs of alien life could be hurtling towards us as I type.

  6. I find it interesting that something like the end of the world could be so close but yet so far. :P -Mattie Whisler 9th period Flex

  7. So interesting... there are so many updates on solar sciences, thanks to technology. It's really fascinating.

  8. Katie Schell (flex)
    This is a little scary because if something like an asteroid does hit the earth there is literally nothing we can do to protect ourselves

  9. While it is a scary thing to think about, announcements about the world ending tend to not faze us anymore because we have experienced many false alarms.
