Monday, October 26, 2015

Jaylon Mobley, 5th Period // Grieving father meets with key congressman on guns

Summary: Andy Parker, father of recently a recently killed daughter and her camera-man in Oregon was met with much initial grievance and thoughtfulness. A powerful chairman of the House Judiciary Committee who has always backed the NRA gave his condolences to Parker as he and Parker's daughter worked with her and her at one point and that she and her colleague will be missed. They did have a formal meeting while Parker was in Washington, his anger growing steadily. He proposes to the Congressman, Representative Bob Goodlatte, that there be stricter rules put in place for gun safety and gun violence, such as a simple universal background check. After a while of talking to Goodlatte, Parker could tell that he was not taking into consideration any of the ideas that were being suggested to him. Goodlatte insists that scricter enforcement of the laws already in place would be the more direct step of fixing this problem.

Analysis: I think that our RIGHT to Bear Arms has been taken much too liberally by a certain number of people in the United States. Yes, I understand, as a grieving father, due to the disregard of laws put in place for guns, it is normal to want to put laws in place as soon as possible to help solve this issue, but if the laws ALREADY put in place to stop things like this aren't being followed and taken into consideration, there's no way MORE laws will do any good but create MORE opposition to the few and stupid who would have loved to live with the Articles of Confederation.

Link to Article: Grieving Father Meets with Key Congressman on Guns


  1. Good work comparing how the laws work now to the Articles of Confederation. So sorry for the Dad though. We really should be able to reach a compromise on this issue, to protect our children.

  2. I agree with Tymie on how you connected it to The Articles of Confederation and how people who don't follow gun laws would most likely much rather be under the A.O.C. Also nice seeing your strong stance on the issue.
