Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Adriana Hinojosa, 8th period, Tragic Story of a Mother

26 year old Kimberly Pappas was arrested today in Detroit for the murder of her newborn baby. Whenever I read news like this I can't help but cringe but I also don't like to be too quick to judge when I don't know the exact situation. Nothing justifies putting your newborn baby in a plastic bag until it suffocates. I do feel bad for Kimberly, though. I don't feel bad for what happened to her but instead her mental state. She has shown much regret and agony through the media. Something has to be seriously off in your brain if you feel no remorse while watching this baby die in the moment, though. It's not like it happened instantaneously. I personally couldn't see myself getting an abortion, that being said, I am not against them, you do you. But I would much rather a girl in a situation like this of not wanting a child or whatever her reasoning was to get an abortion. In the article it also talks about how she denied her pregnancy to people. This is the weird part. Because now that we know that she did in fact end the life of her newborn, did she have this planned all along? Why didn't she admit her being pregnant? The state of Texas just recently made the decision to defund Planned Parenthood. Whenever I think about girls like Kimberly who maybe needed an abortion but couldn't get ahold of a safe one is when I get seriously angered by decisions like that of defunding Planned Parenthood. The baby was found on her desk in her work building which was the same place where she gave birth. The fact that she birthed this baby in her work building is another mystery. This to me shows that maybe her life had not really been in order and the arrival of this baby was not a conventional, happy one. I hope that she may repent and be able to go on with her life, hopefully she may learn from this.

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