Thursday, October 29, 2015

Oregon public health officials say teen girl has bubonic plague

 Oregon public health officials say teen girl has bubonic plague

 On October 16th, a teen girl went on a hunting trip near Heppner, a small little city Oregon. When she was on this hunting trip she was bit by a flea. Five days from when she was bit, she became ill. The bite had effected her horribly and resulted with her receiving the Bubonic Plague! Yes she is hospitalized because she went there there days after she was bit. Her condition currently is under investigation, but what they do know is she is in ICU awaiting more tests.
   Analysis: The Bubonic Plague can be deadly if not caught early enough. The Bubonic Plague was more common in the early years and is very rare now days. It is carried by squirrels, fleas, chipmunks etc. When the animal dies it's fleas can carry the disease by biting humans or other animals! This is just one person getting it, so it's not so severe right now with it spreading to others, but anyone can get bit by a random flea that was carrying the disease!


  1. Katie Schell (flex)
    If this girl does turn out to be infected by the Bubonic Plague I think we all should start to be a little concerned. Something like a wide spread disease is the last thing we need right now.

  2. It is good that she went and got this checked out, because if it spread it would cause a calamity. Many rodents, such as rats, can carry this disease, which could be devastating in areas such as New York, Chicago, and subway stations.
    -Julianne Swaykus 6

  3. Wow the last time I heard about the bubonic plague was from many centuries ago. It scares me that it could come back after all of these years especially since it was so devastating the first time. She was smart to go get it checked out.
