Monday, October 26, 2015

The UK Atttempts to Prevent Racial Bias by Shelby Linker, 8th period

On Monday, the British Prime Minister, David Cameron, declared that names will be undisclosed on job and college applications in order to prevent unconscious racial biases. "Those assessing applications will not be able to see the person's name, so the ethnic or religious background it might imply cannot influence their prospect," Cameron wrote. "I said in my conference speech that I want us to end discrimination and finish the fight for real equality in our country today," Cameron addressed. "Today we are delivering on that commitment and extending opportunity to all. If you've got the grades, the skills and the determination this government will ensure that you can succeed." Many businesses support this decision.

I think this is an amazing idea and I commend the UK for taking steps towards ending racial bias. Racial biases exist in everyone, it's an underlying (or maybe not so discrete of a feeling, it depends on who you are) idea or feeling of favor or prejudice towards a particular race. Race has become a very controversial subject recently even though it shouldn't be. People hear stories about people of a certain race and the start to develop these ideas in their head of how one race is and it can skew their perception of everyone in that race. I'm relieved that the UK is making a move towards changing this and giving everyone who deserves it, equal opportunities to success. This reminds me of the African-American Civil Rights Movement  when there was so much hatred and prejudice towards one race that they completely separated themselves from the people of that race and refused to acknowledge their existence. This is happening on a somewhat smaller scale but if it continues it will escalate and we will end up repeat history.


Here's a link to a Harvard study that allows you take an IAT test to see your own racial biases:
Implicit Harvard Race IAT

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