Monday, October 26, 2015

Retailers React to growing number of Homeless People- Bernadette Negrete

Summary: the homeless are crowding outside department stores in search of housing and food. Retailers of theses stores are becoming afraid that if they tell the homeless people to move, They will become violent.Some owners leave cartons off food outside their stores so that the homeless wont break into their stores at night. Although some stores have hired more around the  clock security and effects are already taking place. The police's attendance had already made many homeless leave the stores they once called their home.
 Analysis: The amount of homeless people in the world has always been an issue, and the only reason its making news reports now is because its effecting the middle class. These stores are complaining that the homeless people are disrupting business and  causing customers to shy away. They arnt even thinking about why the homeless are even there. They have no place other to go, they have no food,money,or home. These store owners are freaking out over the amount of homeless people near their stores and arnt even thinking what the homeless are freaking out about.
this situation reminds of how america deals with immigrants, America decides that immigrants arent worth the time, money, or space. The same policies as immigrants are being forced upon the homeless. These two groups come from nothing and people who have more are trying to take away, the only thing they have. they arent illegal beings, they are just beings.


  1. I agree that this problem is escalating and will soon, if it hasn't already, get out of hand. I do feel bad for the shop owners because their businesses are their lively hoods and the homeless problem could be affecting their income, but in response we should be focusing more on how to fix the problem rather than skirting around the edge of action.

  2. I can understand both sides of the story, the homeless have no place else to go but the shopkeepers can't have them around the store. Truthfully, neither of them really benefit from the homeless staying outside the store, I believe that it would be better for everyone involved if the homeless were at a shelter or some other place that would be dedicated to helping them get out of their predicament. Their thought process might be that "lots of people shop at this store so maybe someone will help" but if their presence scares off the customers then that defeats the whole purpose. I believe that the stores should have patience with the homeless and that the homeless should find a place or group of people who are dedicated to helping them.

    Shelby Linker, 8th period

  3. Yea, I agree. The homeless need help. There needs to be a more effective and well funded homeless help program.
