Monday, October 26, 2015

2,000 Sheep in the Streets of Madrid - Isabella Montague

        A shepherd gave 150 maravedies (coins) to the city of Madrid in order to take 2,00 sheep across the roads, which were blocked off for their passing. The city of Madrid, which is a large urban city, is dangerous for the sheep, and they may be in danger of becoming extinct. There were also sheepdogs accompaning the shepherds in guiding the sheep.

        This must have been a sight for anyone going about their day in Madrid. It is always nice to hear of people dedicated to helping out animals, like the shepherds in this story are, since throughout history we have always been using animals for our own benefit, whether it be for food, clothes, shelter, weapons, amusement or sport. The shepherds were given the right in about 1273 to use these roads that used to be the herding land before the city was large in population and urbanization. I hope the sheep and the shepherds end up alright and accomplish their mission.

Isabella Montague 5th period


  1. I agree with you!! It's nice to see people caring about animals so much. I wish I was there to see all those sheep crossing through the city, it must have been interesting!!

  2. That would be so cool to see! I like how they really were dedicated to moving these sheep. Nora Bracy 5th
