Monday, October 26, 2015

student's violent arrest caught on video-Molly Mitchell 5th period


In a school in South Carolina a video was shot by a student of a police officer walking into a classroom, walking up to a female african american student, and ripping said student out of her chair throwing her across the room onto the floor as if she has committed some sort of crime. Although it is not known what could've specifically led to this incident, the girl was apparently told to leave the classroom, and when she did not comply officer Ben Fields stepped in. She is thrown across the room and told repeatedly to put her hands behind her back by the officer, force that is normally used when confronting criminals, not rebellious high schoolers. Investigation of the assault is going on, and the video has gone viral, receiving many differentiating responses on how the situation should've been handled, and if we should pay closer attention to cases such as this.


This video is disturbing to say the least, to see an officer barge into a room and shove a girl onto the ground like that is bone chilling, no matter what she did she deserves some sort of respect. She's just a kid, probably not much older than me, and being treated like she just pulled a gun on someone. Whether this has to do with racism or not(though with cases like these just starting to finally get some news recognition we could maybe make an assumption that it might here) this video showcases that for some people, just being a teenager is crime enough, though correct me if I'm getting ahead of myself.



  1. This is ridiculous, if it is indeed police brutality. I'm not going to pass any judgment because we don't know what she did, if anything. If nothing was done though to warrant this treatment this officer is going to have some major issues on his hands.

  2. This reminds me of American Revolution events such as the Boston Massacre where the soldiers of Britain, aka the police of the colonies, used brutal force against their subjects and found a revolution on their hands. While this is not as severe of a case, if the police do not tread more carefully they may find themselves a rebellion of their own. Now is about the time we need a really rich person to become a real-life Batman with all of this police corruption and brutality brewing about. This is especially hard for me to admit due to the extensive service my family has given to the police force.

  3. The stereotype of teenagers being dangerous has been spread over time and I think this generation is seeing the effects of it. I would like to pose the question, If this girl was a woman in college would she had been treat the same way?
