Saturday, October 31, 2015

China "cult" leader in prison for life -Julianne Swaykus

     Wu Zeheng was charged with rape and fraud in the court in the southern province of Guangdong on Friday. He is believed to be the founder and leader of a Buddhist-inspired Huazang Dharma and was fined 7.15 million yuan ($1.13 million). "Xinhua previously reported that Wu had already been jailed at least twice, and set up his group in 2010 upon his last release from jail." Authorities say that cults have multiplied over the years and have been trying to put them down with force. 
     This case singularly is not a huge threat, but they mentioned that cults are multiplying in China. Cults are a huge problem that need a lot of attention before they get out of hand. Who knows what some of these cults are up to, and we need to address this before it escalates and becomes an even bigger issue.


  1. I agree, I think that we definitely need to take care of this small issue before it turns into a huge issue. Based on past experiences, it could very easily escalate over night and destroy many things.

  2. I always think it's better to be safe and cautious rather than ignoring the problem before it becomes a larger scale issue. - Sophie Kurzius (8)

  3. Matthew Homsher 9th- Considering the population density of China, cults could be a huge problem. It certainly is better to solve this sooner rather than later.

  4. Really interesting. Cults can get really bad, really quick. Nora Bracy 5th
