Sunday, October 11, 2015

current events by adrianna martinez 4th period

boy killed girl over a puppy
 by Adrianna Martinez

 In White Pine, a small town in Tennessee, residents are rattled by the death of MaKayla Deyer. Deyer, an 8 year old girl, was shot in front of her yard by an 11 year old after she would not let the boy hold her puppy.  Authorities state the boy retrieved his father's 12-gauge shotgun from an unlocked closet. He is currently being held in a juvenile detention center on a first degree murder charge. This devastating and tragic incident could have been prevented if the boy's father had locked the closet. In the aftermath, we must sincerely consider the issue of gun control. This shocking death, coupled with the recent mass church shooting in Charleston, South Carolina and the Oregon college killings highlights the necessity to enforce and implement stricter regulations on gun control.  


  1. If the father had simply locked the closet. I think that we need stricter gun control laws. An 11 year old. And all because she wouldn't let him hold her dog.

  2. Yes, this could have been prevented by the father locking the closet. However, I believe the father of this young boy could have taken the time to teach his son decent morals and the difference between right and wrong. The boy had to of had the idea of taking the gun out of the closet before actually doing so. The fact that this boy even thought about harming the little girl says way more than locking a closet. Madeline Jones 4th period
