Sunday, October 11, 2015

Cameron Eisenberg-Blind/Paralyzed man walks again

Mark Pollock has been blind in his right eye since age 5, and blind in his left at age 22. Dispite that, Mark played sports, participating in and winning a number of races and competitions. Yet in 2010, while staying at a friends apartment in Londen for a rowing event, he fell out of a second story window to the concrete. He became paralyzed. Now, doctors from America, Russia, and Ireland are testing him with a new piece of tech. A pair of robotic legs that will stimulate his remaining nerve cells, allowing him to walk of his own accord. This is a huge leap in technology and medicine. 
This is so good that tech has allowed paralyzed people to walk again. This is a great huge stride in science and medicine and hopefully that this tech will be available to the masses.
Article by Azadeh Anarsi

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