Monday, February 20, 2017

Isabella Poscente- 8 People from Sudan flee the U.S. Border Patrol to Canada


On February 18, eight people fled the U.S. border patrol to find an asylum in Canada. There were four adults and four children saying they were from Sudan. There were pictures taken while they were crossing the border. A patrol officer seized their passports and while the officer was talking to the taxi driver the eight fled. The officer caught up to one of the men and he took all of their passports from the officer and crossed the border. Then they were taken into custody of the royal Canadian Mountain police while the patrol officer was watching on the other side of the border.


I thought this article was very interesting because they literally took their passports back from the officer and ran a couple feet to cross the border to get away from the patrol officer. It’s really sad because people come to the U.S. for new opportunities, but yet they are literally being chased out the border. I hope all eight of those people are safe in Canada.


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