Thursday, February 23, 2017

Jenna Pitre - "White House Spokesman Predicts More Federal Action Against Marijuana"

Summary: This article is talking about the controversial issue of legalizing recreational marijuana. According to the article, 1 in 5 Americans now live in a state where recreational marijuana is legal. This article discusses Mr. Trumps' and his minions' approach to the issue, the new attorney general saying that "good people don't smoke pot." ...... :/ anyways it also says how while many more states are trying to legalize weed, it looks like the government under Mr. Trump is not advocating this new development.

Analysis/Synthesis: I personally think this issue should not  be left up to the states, because honestly keeping marijuana illegal is only going to do more harm than good. At least if it's legal then it can be regulated and maybe bad strains will be sold less and it might all in all just be a safer bet. I linked this to prohibition back in the 1920's.

Link to the article:

1 comment:

  1. I think it should not be left up to the states. I think that it should be LEGALIZED nation wide. We do not need to be incarcerating non violent criminals. Of course companies (and their puppets known as the national government) have a vested interest in keeping up the quotas in their privately owned prisons. These quotas are often filled by minorities, leading law makers to justify their racism, which interns causes more minorities to be incarcerated, leading to more profit. All this despite the fact that white people are the leading users of illegal drugs. It is truly the modern slavery.
