Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Olivia Moretta: "Not My President's Day"

Monday, February 20th marked President's Day for this new year of 2017.  This day serves as a time to remember beloved presidents who have come before, take an extra day off school, and in the case of this year, revel in the light of fresh new presidency. It comes as no surprise, though, that the festivities for this President's Day weren't quite as positive as those of years past.
Trump's presidency has proven to be volatile to the stability of our nation thus far. Already marred by controversial scandals and objectionable decisions made in his first week in office, his reputation as a bad human and president precedes him. Protesters in cities across the country, predominantly Los Angeles, Chicago, and New York, took to the streets to voice their objection to President Trump and his policies. Donning the well-known  "Not My President" slogan and adapting it to fit the holiday, Trump opposers are fighting to make their opinions heard.

This occurrence can be tied to the Presidency of Warren G. Harding and his fight for a "return to normalcy", a stunningly familiar parallel to Trump's "Make America Great Again" campaign. Although many advocated Harding's love for business and the growth of corporate America, the then burgeoning radical America had a similar opinion to the anti-Trump liberals of today. These presidencies and the American people's response to them are almost identical when compared, and are a testament to the idea that history repeats itself.



  1. I think that president's day should be treated with respect and welcoming but, with this years candidate, this holiday may start to get a bad reputation

  2. its interesting that this idea has come about during this new presidency. Curious to see what else is done in opposition towards Trump!

  3. Illegitimate election=Illegitimate president IMO

    So, yes, it's not my president's day.
