Monday, February 27, 2017

Kobe Williams (1st Period) - Obama for President...of France??

Recently, many French citizens organized Obama17, a guerrilla campaign trying to get former U.S. president, Barack Obama, to run for president of France. They have already created a website and put up about 500 posters throughout Paris. Their goal is to ultimately get 1 million to sign a petition for Obama to run. Even through all of this work and effort, the organizers state that this is overall a joke, but one with a serious purpose.

After reading that their true purpose of this campaign is just to show that the citizens are fed up with the politics within their country, I started to better understand their reasoning. They even state how, "It's totally crazy, but the cool thing is that once you get past that, you start thinking that maybe it's possible." And nothing more supports that statement than politics in our day and age. Overall, some people may think that this is a great idea; however, others might think it's just a waste of time and effort. In my opinion, I think we should just wait and see how Barack Obama responds to this.


1 comment:

  1. Thats pretty neat but wouldn't he have to be a citizen of France?
