Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Isabella Bruner-Vandals wreck headstones at historic Jewish cemetery in St. Louis

In St. Louis vandals damaged dozens of headstones at a Jewish cemetery over the weekend. Karen Aroesty, regional director was alerted the damage taken place at Chesed  Shel Emeth Cemetery. Karen was appalled. Police don't know if it was an incident for a hate crime . But, it's become more common as 11 Jewish communities received bomb threats.this year. The FBI stated "The FBI will collect all available facts and evidence, and will ensure that this matter is ongoing, we are not able to comment further at this time." The Chesed Shel Emeth Society has been serving St. Louis Jewish community for more than 125years. "It operates in accordance with Jewish tradition as is telling of its name: Chesed- loving, kindness; and Emeth- Torah Truth and integrity,".
This article written on February 20,2017 talks about a recent vandalization of a Jewish graveyard by knocking over gravestones. To me, it's very disrespectful to do that to someone who has passed away. How would you like it if someone else we to your past family members and friends graves and knocked over their gravestones in act of disrespect, how would you feel? You never want to do something that will bite you in the back years to come. Just be respectful and kind to people no matter what race or religion they follow.
This has happened in the past with the Dallas shooting as people, cause fear and harm to individuals they didn't have a relationship with at all.



  1. This is so disturbing to me that people can be so disrespectful to damage grave sites and even more disturbing that it's because of their religion. I sure hope to see more unity throughout the world in the future.

  2. Personally, I'm giving my body to science, but that doesn't excuse defacing people's graves??? They have family who are emotionally connected to those graves, probably??? It's a hateful way to use energy that could otherwise be spent reading books and EDUCATIG YOURSELF ON NOT BEING AN ASS (sorry. I'm tired and sick and not coherent).

  3. This is so disturbing that people cannot respect someones final resting place. I hope that they can see how horrible their actions are and gain clarity over time.

  4. This is about more than just the physical act of vandalism. It is about symbolism, and antisemitism. Two things which have a rather notorious history with each other.
