Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Elizabeth McCullough- Trump withdraws protection on transgender bathrooms

Synopsis- In May of 2016 Obama told public schools that "sex discrimination" as described in Title IX includes claims of gender identity. This meant that any school receiving funds form the federal government could not discriminate against someone based on their gender identity, not just their biological gender. This was a huge step forward in the rights for young transgender people in America. Tonight President Donald Trump has sent out a notice to public school systems saying that this ruling was now void. Trump has made it very clear that he believes issues involving transgender rights should be handled by state governments, and this letter is his first step against national regulations on transgender rights.

Analysis- Once again Donald Trump has managed to make a minority feel unaccepted in this country. Young transgender people have and continue to face discrimination everyday. Nothing good comes out of withdrawing this ruling. All it does is allow schools to freely ignore gender identity. People who are not transgender and support this kind of action for a moment. Imagine being an adolescent pupil, and being told that you are wrong about your gender. Think how it must feel to be told that one of the biggest influences on what makes you who you are, is a lie. Young people, especially teenagers, already face enough stress and pressure from their peers and authority figures. They don't need this on top of everything else.

Synthesis- This event synthesizes to Obergefell v. Hodges, the supreme court case that gave the ruling that same-sex marriage was a Constitutional right. This was a big achievement for the LGBTQ+ community, as was Obama's ruling on sex discrimination. Lets hope that decision isn't in danger as well.

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