Sunday, October 11, 2015

Water on Pluto- Isabella Montague

         New photos arrived Thursday, thanks to NASA's New Horizons Spacecraft, thatt show that there is indeed water ice on Pluto, which scientists have already suspected. However, the color and the location of the water puzzles them. The water ice is red, unlike Earth's clear water, and they aren't quite sure why, but they have some theories. The scientists are also unsure of why the water is in the location that it is and are looking into that as well.

         It is cool to know that there is water on other planets besides Earth, especially red water, and how the color of the water depends on what planet it's on. With new technology, scientists are venturing further out into the solar system and finding out new things about the planets we have shared a space with for so long. Hopefully our technology will only increase, and we will be doing in the future something that seems possible now. Just like that poster in Mr. Henderson's room says: hard things take a long time, and impossible things take a little longer. There is an unimaginable amount of solar systems, galaxies and planets that we know virtually nothing about, but maybe some day we will know a little more. And to relate it to the Puritans.., (just kidding, although I'm sure we could come up with some ties between new discoveries NASA are making on planets to discoveries explorers were making on new territory.)

-Isabella Montague, 5th period


  1. It is amazing that water has been found on Mars and I wonder what will result from this discovery.

    Shara Jeyarajah


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  3. Wow super cool! I can't wait until we discover all kinds of new elements and things we never imagined on the other planets. Also im loving all the attention Pluto is getting (its my favorite planet, yes planet)

  4. Its nice to read a cheerful article every once and a while. Although horrible things are happening in our world today, it is still important to look into the future and continue asking questions instead of just restating the past.

    Lauren Bush;9th; Comment #3
