Sunday, October 11, 2015

UCLA "Kanye West" Frat Party turns BlackFace and Sparks Protest - Emily Rosuck 4th

On Tuesday, UCLA fraternity Sigma Phi Epsilon threw a party that was "Kanye-Western" themed, it went from a seemingly harmless theme to culture appropriation and downright mockery of the race in it's entirety. If people will weren't wearing baggy clothing, foil on their teeth and wifebeater tank tops, they were dressed like the Kardashians', with plumped lips, stuffing in their bottoms and all of them with soot or charcoal on their faces. A member of the Black Student Union found out about the party after a friend had photographed the racist event and she and some others were standing outside the party, keeping their distance as to only draw subtle attention to the situation. The woman said when people saw them outside, the people at the party starting to leave, sooty faces and all. But as the party dwindled, so did the occupiers, and when they left they noticed that people were starting to come back to the party, this time in two's. By the end of the night their was an entire group of Black Bruins who were infuriated with the appropriation and mockery of their culture.
This is not the first time something like this has happened on Greek Row in college campuses, southern universities have been known to throw similarly themed parties: like, coincidentally or not, SAE's chapter at Clemson University, where the theme was "Clemson Cripmas", Kappa Sigma at Duke's "Asian Prime" party, FIJI at UT's "Border Patrol" party. Similarly, we can't leave out, once again SAE's Oklahoma chapter, where the idiot frat boy on the party bus chanted "there will never be a n****r inSAE. There will never be a n****r in SAE. You can hang him from a tree, but he'll never sign with me. There will never be a n****r at SAE." I know right? Classy.
This topic might seem shallow, and I know my point of view might be discredited because I'm white, but I'm Jewish, so we too have had our fair share of racism on college campuses, from "Nazi-Prison" frat parties to outright anti-semetic riots. So I can relate. This has become an increasingly exigent problem because it's the problem is not only that it's happening, but that these people really don't think what they're doing is wrong. As we all know, because we all have said a racist joke or stereotype at least once, that it is much easier to make fun of a culture that isn't yours than one that is. There has been a lack of response by UCLA and they could start with sensitivity training. We are one of the most diverse countries on earth, we were built almost entirely out of immigrants. If we as a "global super power" can't co-exist without exploiting each others cultures and religions, how in the world could we ever expect anyone else to?


  1. they are ruining the image of Greek life for everyone and I think if everyone was taught why what their doing was wrong more often then it wouldn't happen as much

  2. It sickens me that an idea as genius as "Kanye Western" had to turn so blatantly racist. Blackface is completely terrible. - Gunnar Ozuna Period 6
