Sunday, October 11, 2015

"Off duty Memphis police officer killed" by Shara Jeyarajah p.8

This weekend, a black off duty police officer had been shot multiple times and killed. It has been deemed "very sketchy" by the city's police director. His name was Terence Olridge, and he had a four month pregnant fiancée. The shooting took place in a residential neighborhood. His uncle had told the officers that his nephew was shot whilst driving to the police department in uniform, and he had just enough strength to crawl back to his house for help. The suspect's sister shared that her brother had gotten into an argument with the victim before the shooting occurred. I
It is very upsetting that the officer had to leave his family behind, especially his pregnant fiancée. I hope that the shooting did not correlate to the fact that he was an officer. I also hope that the murderer is found soon, and jailed.
This relates to APUSH because it reminds me of how tax collectors were often harassed (tar and feathering, stoning, etc.) just because of their profession.

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