Monday, October 12, 2015

Deadly month in high school football by M'Lynn Musgrove

This article on CNN talks about the deaths that have come with playing one of Americas most popular sports on a high school level. One particular boy from Georgia past out during football practice. His death is said to be heart related but there are about 3 of these deaths "related" to football a year. No one is sure if football had to do with this boy's death, but the media seems to be trying to find something to blame it on.

Because football is such a beloved sport in the US, it is strange to see things like this happen. We mostly hear about minor injuries that happen on a more professional level but if people are dying so young, we may need to put a few restrictions on the sport. 

1 comment:

  1. Darby McMahon pd#9
    So many high school students get hurt every year playing football. There definitely needs to be more protection for the players. I have been hearing of more and more injuries and deaths from this high contact sport.
