Sunday, October 11, 2015

Million Man March- Max Gaddis 9th

On Saturday, Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan gave a two hour speech at the 20th anniversary of the Million Man March on, well, everything that's wrong with this nation. From women's rights to offensive Native American mascots, Black Lives Matter to the Declaration of Independance. It was so moving, detailed and inclusive that it is a surprise that it wasn't all over the news. The original Millian Man March took place in 1995 and was a gathering of African-American men to atone for their collective failures and "claim or reclaim morally centered leadership roles in their family or communities." Of course on Saturday there were much more than just men there.

I'm surprised that there was almost no news coverage on this as this is a big rally for change and peace. These problems of overlooked minority groups (racial groups, women, children) are starting to seem really ridiculous considering they are really the majority in America. This goes all the way back to why the slaves didn't just revolt all at once since there were at least 2 to 4 of them for every white person in America at the time, and why the Native American tribes didn't band together and push away the English settlers, and why has England, a tiny island, ruined the whole world with it's small population. We have got to make changes to the way we think about others and consider what we would do faced with some of the challenges that are presented to other people.

1 comment:

  1. i think that the reason that nothing has changed is because the people cant agree on the a leader they approve and support. Nothings going to change because we cant get a guy that everyone believes in whole heartily. Bernadette Negrete
