Sunday, October 11, 2015

McGraw-Hill : Immigration - Ava Cosentino

A Texas, ninth graders mom took to Facebook after receiving a picture and text message from her son while he was at school. The picture that the teenage boy sent to his mom, Roni Dean-Burren, depicted a map of the United States, with a caption alluding to the fact that the slaves brought over to the U.S. in the Atlantic Slave Trade were to be "workers". Since both the mother and the sun caught this caption at being historically incorrect, Dean-Burren was able to catch McGraw-Hill's attention with some help of thousands of supporters on Facebook.

I completely support the fact that the boy's mother did something about this misleading text, especially because it's job is to teach younger Americans. When history is being taught to younger generations, it most definitely cannot be sugar coated or misreported, as it misleads and falsely teaches the children. I especially applaud the ninth grader for saying something about this issue, or it could have potentially gone unchanged. Since the mother took to Facebook, she was able to rack up thousands of supporters that in turn helped her to get McGraw-Hill's attention. The text-book company says that they will immediately fix the problem in any way they can. The slaves that were forced over from Africa on the Atlantic Slave Trade, were not "workers" as that word makes it seem as they came over at their own will and were being paid to do so. Clearly, this issue can be connected to Slave Rights and the Atlantic Slave Trade it'self.


  1. Thankfully this issue was resolved, the history of our country should not be twisted into a way that is not entirely true.

  2. I did my summary on this last week and I completely agree! This is absolutely ridiculous and I am so glad that the company decided to go ahead and make the change to this obscure misreading.
