Saturday, October 10, 2015

Luz Lopez(4th period)(late because of absence)-Human 'mini brains' grown in labs may help solve cancer, autism, alzheimer's

     Well technically they're not brains. They're called brain organoids, which are pieces of human tissue grown in petri dishes from skin cells. They are 2-3 milliliters long. They could help researchers test drugs and other treatments that might help cure diseases. They could also lead to unlocking the mysteries of schizophrenia, epilepsy, traumatic brain injuries and post-traumatic stress disorder.
     I think as we grow, so does the way people think. People are coming up with new ways to cure people with horrible diseases. It amazing to think what might be done in the future.


  1. hmmm science is great but i can see a lot of ways this can go wrong

    1. I totally agree because i know of no one who got a certain thing correct the first time. (Alejandra Hernandez 6th period)
