Monday, October 12, 2015

Chinese Smokers by Julia Plummer Pd. 1


Recently, it seems that Chinese men have fallen into the tobacco trap. In China, there are some rumors that Asian people are less likely to develop addictions to things such as cigarettes, causing more people to take up the habit of smoking, not realizing that these rumors are false. Strangely, more than 65% of men smoke daily, while only 10% of women do. And the question is- why are men's smoking rates going up, while women's smoking rates are going down?

People are very likely to believe what their friends tell them, so these who think that Asian people don't develop addictions rapidly aren't unusually unintelligent or anything, they just aren't over-analyzing the situation. In America, smoking is typically frowned upon, and people who do smoke are constantly being given reasons not to, and smoking rates have definitely gone down since the mid 1900s, when everyone smoked everywhere. Since then, science has advanced, and people have gone from thinking that tobacco is good for you, to understanding that it slowly kills you. Unlike China. 


  1. Darby McMahon pd#9
    I agree! I don't understand why people would believe that the harmful effects of tobacco don't apply to a gender. It is harmful for everyone and China needs to realize the affects.

  2. Olivia Browne (Period 6)
    This makes me wonder if these rumors were started by tobacco companies in hopes to entice Chinese men. If so, that would be an extremely harmful advertisement tactic.

  3. christa hamby p1 China needs a wakeup call! They are killing themselves slowly.

  4. Tobacco is a terrible thing. There are so many alternatives that it surprises me that so many people still use it. - Gunnar Ozuna Period 6

  5. I think smoking comes down to common sense. Like maybe you shouldn't be breathing in something you just lit on fire? But I agree with Olivia's comment, as women are often sexualized in advertisement and this could very well be the reason men's smoking rates are going up while women's are not.
    Maddie Hanratty (8th)
