Monday, October 12, 2015

Army officer recommends no jail time for Bowe Bergdahl, attorney says By: Paisley Norburg 5th Period

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Army officer recommends no jail time for Bowe Bergdahl, attorney says

       An Army officer is recommending Sgt. Bowe Bergadahl face a lower-level court martial and possibly be in jail for his whole life, for leaving his post in Afghanistan. Bergadahl has left his post before in 2009, when he was captured by the Taliban. The date he left June 30th. He was held just about until last year, because he was exchanged for more Taliban commanders. The commanding officers in Afghanistan state that "A 45- day search for Bergdahl put soldiers in danger." It is up in the air on how long Bergadhal should be in jail, but defense attorney says that his term in jail would only be a year. "It's a self-inflicted wound for the Army." This issue is still being talked about because it is so current, and many of the spokesmen for Navy, Army etc. have their opinions on it also. They believe that everyone needs to maintain careful reespect for the military-judicial process.

      This issue could lead to many things and cause conflicts in many different ways. We don't need anymore targets than what is already occurring. Especially in this case, with the Taliban. I totally agree with the spokesmen. Everyone needs to respect the forces for one, whether it's the military, army, navy and their process of doing things.

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