Monday, February 16, 2015

Racial Profiling - Rachel Webb 3rd Pd

"U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder announces a Justice Department plan to end racial profiling. Holder makes the announcement while speaking in Atlanta at the Ebenezer Baptist Church where Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. preached. In Atlanta, Holder meets with community leaders and law enforcement, the first in a series of regional meetings in the United States. Holder has been asked to set up the meetings by President Barack Obama in light of the tense situation in Ferguson, Missouri after the Aug. 9 fatal shooting of teenager Michael Brown."

Listed above is a recent story about an African American teen named Michael Brown. This analysis will be about that story and the like with respect to racial profiling.

When a United States policeman shot and killed a young teenager named Michael Brown, America arose from its slumber on racial profiling. After seeing the movie Selma, I have noticed just about everything about racial discrimination in America. The big problem with profiling is this whole idea that America is supposed to be the land of the free and the home of the brave, yet every person that lives here does not feel that way. It is a hypocritical thing to say, and sing at sports events. The profiling needs to end and then maybe life in America would be safer for those of other races.

-Read more: December 2014 Current Events: U.S. News


  1. Our country needs to have more equal rights. - Quentin Noble

  2. It is a sad truth when you realize that America isn't really the land of the free and that there is still racism occurring, even after the civil rights movement.
