Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Boston Blizzard -brett akop

Boston has been under extremely snow for the past few weeks. They have received well over 20 inches, and when the people think it has stopped, it starts all over again at night. Flights have been cancelled, business have been closed, and schools have either been postponed to a later time or closed for days at a time. People are starting to complain about having to shovel snow from the sidewalk every single morning and the dangerous roads. A man was run over by a snow plow while walking out of a grocery store and died in the hospital. It is very intriguing how that here in Dallas, we are in mid 70's weather, while people up north are dealing with such treacherous weather. And we all live in the same country. Although people down south may wish for snow or colder weather, the people up north are definitely wishing it would be warmer. I am consistently amazed at how diverse and large America is. The idea of Manifest Destiny has spread this country from sea to shining sea, but it has also spread us from the extreme north to the extreme south. http://www.cnn.com/2015/02/10/us/northeast-snow/index.html

1 comment:

  1. I guess I can't complain about the cold weather we have here...
