Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Frozen Niagara Falls Draws Tourists - Corsica Steding

Ice started to spread across the Great Lakes, doubling in just under a week.  Now, more than 85% is covered in ice.  For the first time in quite a while, Niagara Falls appears to be mostly frozen.  Many people have flocked to see it.  CNN affiliate WKBW reported that Niagara Falls' business has been going steady despite the popular thought that it would go down due to being frozen.

Michael Pearson wrote this article for CNN on February 20th.  Before reading this article, I had never heard of Niagara Falls freezing before.  The article didn't mention the last time this event occurred, but it did imply that it hasn't happened in a very long time.  This article was written to inform people of the interesting state of Niagara Falls.  It's incredible that it's so cold that Niagara Falls was able to almost completely freeze.



  1. The U.S. has had such insane weather lately! It's so strange how temperatures can get so low that large amounts of rapidly moving water are frozen!

  2. We have just submerged into a deep winter. I'm just grateful that we have technology that can help solve problems.

  3. I heard that there is a lot of scientific study going into the overall changing climate of the United States. Whether we should start worrying about it is unclear but it does bring us nice things like days off from school and a pretty view of a frozen Niagara Falls!
