Monday, February 23, 2015

What Same-Sex Marriages Are Really Like In The South by Yasmine B (5th pd)

     This article bordered more on the exposé side of writing. It gave personal accounts of gay and lesbian couples and all of the trails they endured while living in the Bible Belt specifically Alabama and Mississippi. One of the couples of focus is Shawn Williams and Justin Lewis. Their life together was completely revealed in this article and it is a tad surprising for some. They were not treated horribly as some would think but their lives were not made easier by the people in Salem, Alabama, where they are from. Pesky little things like not being able to withdraw money from from their joint-account and not being able to call his partner, who he spent more than six years of his life with, his husband without a smart-mouth asking, "are y'all even legally married?" are little instances that reminds them that even if gay-marriage is now legal in most states, it is still not socially acceptable.
     The roaring 20s was a time of major change. Women didn't have to wear 20 pound dresses that dragged on the floor and African Americans were given more opportunity than they had in their history. A lot of people resented the change but eventually adapted when they realized the new changes were not a "phase" and they were there to stay. I think that this is the same issue with same-sex marriage. It is something that is legal in most Northern states, the majority of the midwest and west coast, and is even legal in a state in the Bible Belt. It is only a matter of time before the rest of the country adapts to the new change.

Link to article:

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