Monday, February 23, 2015

Superbug - Lindsey Galvan p.4

The same superbug that contributed to two deaths in Los Angeles has been reported in North Carolina. A study commission by the British government have stated that this same bug has the potential to spread worldwide. This would result in high global costs and higher GDP.

I believe this relates to the recent Ebola outbreak and the 1952 US Polio outbreak. Both outbreaks appeared at a surprise. The Superbug is expected to have an outbreak as well, but we humans have an advantage knowing that it is coming. In the meantime, we could develop a cure or find ways to avoid it, unlike the sudden Ebola and Polio outbreaks that led us to panic.

1 comment:

  1. Epidemics are very very scary. For example, the measles outbreak when the settlers first moved to the Americas. But, this epidemic is just making news because it's in the United States, but there are thousand of people dying in other countries, and yet we don't publicize them as much as we do here.
