Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Gay Marriage -brett akop

In Mobile County, Alabama, a federal judge instructed a judge to issue licenses for gay people to marry. This judge was then hinting to other judges in Alabama to do the same, but it failed, dramatically. The majority of the probate judges refused to allow this kind of thing to happen in Alabama. However, Alabama citizens has begun protesting and filing lawsuits against the Alabama government to make it legal to issue marriage licenses for same sex couples. We have come a long way from discrimination. First African Americans, then women suffrage, and now same sex marriages. It seems like America is just going around in circles, just with different people. We are supposed to be the land of the free, and we all have equal rights, and yet some people who are "different" can't receive the same rights as others. Women and African Americans are still not receiving full equality, by the way they are being treated. So if we can't fix problems that have been here for centuries, how can we move on to another issue? http://www.cnn.com/2015/02/12/politics/alabama-gay-marriage-licenses/index.ht

1 comment:

  1. It's none of the other judges' businesses if these people want to get married. If Alambama, a very red state, agrees then it really shows something.
