Sunday, November 19, 2017

valerie garcia 2nd

Charlottesville hass been a very big story that i am just now reading about. In August a group of white nationalist came to march in a torchlight progression. It ended very violently and very bad. In the end there had been about four groups on the scene. The white nationalist rallies, the counterpart rallies, the people who came in to make “peace” and the police. The white rallies and their counterparts came out with weapons and shields and chemical substances that they were using against each other. There were lots of hurt people and it just came to an end where the police had to come in and break it up.
Some people are mad that the police didn’t get in sooner but before they started attacking each other they were using the rights they have in america. The right to protest and the freedom of speech. As bad as i think it was for these mostly white males to come out and say chantings about white lives matter and their white supremacy it is their right to do that. Now once they started to attack the counterpart rally that is where things started to get back and where the police needed to step in. As people we need to learn to agree to disagree with people better so we don’t always have to led things to violence.

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