Monday, November 27, 2017

Myah Hasbany

Myah Hasbany
1st period

President Trump's newest judiciary nominee for law clerk, Brett Joseph Talley, is a ghost hunter. He is also the author of several horror books and has never tried a case in his life. On top of this unique information, he had also expressed some interesting opinions after the Newtown, Conn., massacre in a blog post called “A Call to Arms: It’s Time to Join the National Rifle Association.”. The way Senator Dianne Feinstein put it sums up my worries perfectly; “I have never seen anyone in 24 years before this committee with the strong statements that you have made on weapons. And when I think of what just happened in Las Vegas, it makes it very difficult for me.” He is one of four of President Trump's nominees to be deemed "not qualified'' by the American Bar Association, and its not hard to see why. One of the valuable pieces of information he put on his resume for the Senate Judiciary Committee was that he was a member of the Tuscaloosa Paranormal Research Group for two years.  

In conclusion, I think President Trump's choice is a odd but not surprising when you look at his past judgement. As one scientist and historian of science put it “I don't think it’s a good sign that a judge would embrace the reality of ghosts. What other parts of modern science would he be willing to reject? Climate change? Darwin's theory of evolution?”

1 comment:

  1. I don't understand why our president would endorse this. Politics are easiest when the sides and arguments are black and white. Of course, it is very hard to reach that point, but pulling a jokester ghostbuster into the situation won't help.
