Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Sophie Sandoval- Donald Trump says something that isn't sure 5.5 times a day. EVERY DAY.

Donald Trump portrays a lot of alternative facts,lies, distortions,exaggerations,misstatements, and half truths.He has been well known for his trickery. According to a count of Washington Post's fact checker, Trump has now made 1,628 false or misleading claims in his 298 days in office. By the Fact-Checker's estimates, Trump could possibly blow past 2,000 misstatements and/or untruths in his first year in office. The President of the United States has misled or lied more than 1,600 times since January 20. Telling the truth isn't politics as usual, however. It's just plain decency. And Trump violates that, on average, 5.5 times a day. Every day.

Trump is a leader in our society and the fact that he lies about facts is huge. A lot of people already don't like him so the fact that he isn't trying to be the best president he can be is really frustrating. It shows that he really docent care for the people of America that he just rather cares abut power. That is NOT the type of president we need in todays society.


  1. imagine the length of his nose if he was a wooden puppet

  2. I totally agree with you. I feel like the president should be a role model, and be a responsible leader for the people.

  3. This is scary in the sense that this is the man that is running our country. He needs to be setting a good example

  4. How in the hell can one man say so much crap in only 300 days?!?! How has he not been impeached...

  5. It's sad to see political leaders going on a McCarthy-esque campaign against the press, a varied and important group doing work sanctioned by the constitution.
