Monday, November 13, 2017

A Youthful Diet// Thursdae Sierocki


"This diet might prevent dementia" says a CNN article written in mid-July. Meals from the Mediterranean area have been linked to overall health benefits aiding in strong bones, healthier heart, and an overall longer life. The Mediterranean eating style is apparently said to lower most individuals risk for dementia. The Alzheimer's Association International Conference in London researched adults who followed a Mediterranean like Diet which seemed to have lowered risk of Dementia by one third. A plant-based diet is said to help individuals age well overall. Dementia is said to be affected by four factors being diet, exercise, sleep, and stress; diet being the most important. An author from the University of California, named Claire EcVoy, has researched this quite a lot and has investigated thousands of Americans over 60 years of age, finding a 53% lower risk of dementia following a Mediterranean diet. The Mediterranean diet overall follows a plant-based cooking strategy with very little meat and mostly grains, beans, and seeds. Even other parts of Europe, including Sweden, have shown lesser risk of Alzheimer's and general dementia due to healthier diets.

This subject hits close to home because my grandma suffers from dementia, and her health is slowly deteriorating. Knowing diets like these can help her, I would love to bring this article to her attention and maybe she would attempt something like this. She is a big fan of Greek and Mediterranean food so I think she would be open to something like this. Most foods from that part of the world have tasty and healthy options that almost everyone can enjoy and it is not very hard to follow their simple diet. Australia is seen as one of the healthiest countries/continents in the world due to mostly plant-based diet with few exceptions for fish. It is proven in multiple circumstances that healthy living can lead to less health effects later on.

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