Sunday, November 26, 2017

Ghost Ships in Japan- Ashton Benn (11/26/17)

North Korean ghost ships have washed up on Japan's shores containing dead or, on the verge, crew members. Researchers say the cause of this is Kim Jong Un's desperate attempts to provide food for his starving nation, specifically his military. He wants to expand fisheries for revenue, but he uses old boats paired with people who have no experience in fishing whatsoever. At least four ships have washed up just this month and they will continue to appear because of the North Korean food shortage that pushes experienced fisherman into dangerous waters. A lot of times the surviving crew is rescued and returned to North Korea, but conditions there are horrifying. A recently escaped soldier gives un an insight to what goes on behind the line of fire. He was found with large parasitic worms and he was infected with hepatitis B. The parasites come from the use of human fertilizer as crops and poor sanitary conditions. Some of these common infections can be treated with drugs that are accessible in the U.S, but providing the necessary care to North Korea is very hard. The fertilizer and rice sent by the UN all goes to ranking military officers instead of the growing, starving population. The devastating famine has swept through the soldiers as well, they also die from diseases due to no medical treatment.

Through history we have seen powerful dictators and crushing famines, but they have never been seen to this extent. Kim Jong Un refuses to accept that his country needs help. He is either too proud or too stupid to see that he is reaching a stage of mortal peril. In my opinion, he has probably never studied the many stories of dictatorships and their outcomes because if he had, then I would like to think that North Korea would be in a much better situation.

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