Monday, November 27, 2017

Hawaii to use 30 year old attack sirens in preparation for North Korea attack - Adriann Wrice

In the article by Steve Gorman of Reuters , he explains how the Hawaiian hivernent decide to start using the 30 year old Cold War missile storms to prepare for the North Korean attack. The sirens have been reintroduced after being unused when the Cold War came to n end with they came to the understanding that North Korea’s missile could reach them.

To me , this article send chills of fear down my spine. As an American I have a firm belief that our country moves foward an gets better with every achievement and mistake we make but recently we have been backtracking and I’m left perplexed. This is just another example of how under the new government no one is safe. Many are saying this isn’t our governments fault but ..... no ... of ... this ... happened .... with .... our last president. And if it did her didn’t make it a publicity stunt. He kept it under his control while protecting us. I’m 100% sure our president would leave the country if they were to launch the missile and leave his “ people “ here to protect themselves. This article was written to inform us about the North Korean missile launching and how it affects America. I think it is very important because even if we don’t live in Hawaii it is important to know what is going on in our country.


  1. It's sad to see a conflict start to arise, the worse part is that it probably started on Twitter with a bunch of insults. Does our current president not realize how stupid he looks right now to other countries? I feel extremely bad for the people of Hawaii right now because now they have to be scared because of a crisis that has flared up very quickly due to our current president.

  2. Margot Tortolani
    It's super scary to read something like this. We always hear about attacks abroad, but the chance that it could happen to us is frightening. I agree that trump needs to be more careful when he speaks (or tweets) publicly.

  3. This must have scared many people and to think that this is a real problem in our society is horrifying.

  4. Trump is the president of the United States. It’s a wake up call I’m sure but he is. Whether that be unfortunate or fortunate to you, he has a right and an obligation to lead this country. Sure he’s not all that responsible on social media networks. He has a team of advisors for that. He will not leave the country just because things get dicey I assure you, and I, even though I don’t like all of his policies, believe that so far it’s worth it to give this new line of leadership a chance. Hawaii is in danger, but as a country coming together is something we do best, and we will do it again. Whether your for him or against him, it’s important to at least respect him. In my opinion of course. 😋
