Monday, November 13, 2017

Selah Hunter- Vets walk across America to honor fallen brothers and raise suicide awareness

Selah HunterVets walk across America to honor fallen brothers and raise suicide awareness

Joe Cox, Russ Collins and Adam Lingo, army veterans, started the "walk of life" to raise awareness on veterans suicide. This was inspired by one of their fellow veteran friend who committed suicide over a shared friend Roy ( and Iraq teenage translator), who died due to a house rigged with explosives collapsed on him. This awareness brings to the people attention how big veteran suicide rates are. In 2013 ,Department of Veterans Affairs said an average of 22 veterans commits suicide per a day. This number has dropped to two this year. A direct quote from Lingo of why he does the "Walk of Life" is, "I needed it. I needed to get a lot of monkeys off of my back.- We’ve all struggled with things. … I think what’s really missing is when people get out of military, they don’t have the support group. Change of way of life. And that in itself can be such trouble to live" In the walk someone would walk about 15-20 miles per a day and join each other in helping the cause (of supporting veterans -specifcally-who think of suicide). The walk ended on Nov. 11 but, through this they also started a new organization called "Brotherhood Bridge".  Cox described this as, “We’re basically becoming (a) dating website for veterans groups. Every group has something they do, but none of them have a network". 

This article was written 11/13/17, literally 4 hrs ago, by Catherine Herridge who doesn't seem to be bias but does write in a somewhat poetic way, making the veterans seem more personable. I think this artifice was written for us the people to know that the men and women think about what they had to do while they were in service long after their time served. This artifice reminds me of many marches in American history, some earlier this year, some back with MLK Jr. They all show how Americans can join together to fight for the recognition of something Americans are ignorant about, whether that's about sexism, racism, or suicide rates of veterans. 

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