Friday, October 16, 2015

Txt neck -Julianne Swaykus 6

    In recent x-rays, teenagers and children (as young as 7) have developing hunchbacks and abnormally curved spines because of our excessive use of iPhones, iPads, and other technical devices. An Australian chiropractor has warned us that "text neck" has become an epidemic and can cause depression, anxiety, and spinal damage. His number of patients with "txt neck" is increasing at an "alarming rate" and 50% of his patients are high school students. "'Instead of a normal forward curve, patients can be seen to have a backwards curve. It can be degenerative, often causing head, neck, shoulder and back pain.
'Many patients come in complaining they have a headache, but we actually find text neck is the cause of it. They often fail a simple heel-to-toe test and tend to fall over.' "
    This is alarming because technology has started slowly taking over our lives. Recently with many new inventions, such as iPhones and iPads, we end up spending about 4 hours a day staring at our phones. That's about 1,400 hours of stress on our neck and cervical spine. The posture we adopt as we stare at our phones causes excessive wear and tear that may eventually require an operation to correct it. 



  1. This is scary and sad and makes me really think about my posture. I can admit that I use my phone a lot so this is probably happening to me, but I just don't realize it. But reading this, it makes me want to change how I stand just in general in everyday life.

  2. This is terrifying, but I can't help but question it. Remember all that research about phone radiation a couple years ago. It obviously did not lead anywhere because there has been no new discussion of it. Additionally, your neck is in the "texting" position when you read a book or work on your homework. I think that "txt neck" can probably be remedied by a little exercise and not so much phone time.

    1. I agree, however it does bring up the addiction we have to technology. Its a great tool but it has a certain power over us that is truly equal to an addiction, it disrupts our sleep schedule and becomes and unhealthy part of our daily routine.

  3. What an issue! It is very true how in todays generation everyone is always on there phone. The problems that this had led too is crazy! This makes me also think when i'm on my phone or computer to think about my posture! -Paisley Norburg 5th period

  4. Tea Perez 1st period
    Wow that is crazy! It is also crazy that our society is so dependent upon technology to the point where our own postures could possibly be effected!

  5. I can't say that I'm surprised technology has created a medical problem among users, but I thought it would've had something to do with radiation... This is horrible how the use of electronic devices has started to altar our natural posture!! -Sophie Kurzius (8)

  6. I believe this. We all are on our phones so much during the day, even just being on a computer causes you to slouch.

  7. Carrington Whigham- This actually is not even a surprise to me. My mom actually has a bulging disk in her neck due to technology, and doctors have told her, that the effects are only going to get worse, as technology progresses.
