Sunday, October 11, 2015

Sophie Kurzius (8th) Albino Girl Comes to U.S. After Vicious Attack

On October 9, 2015, Bibiana Mashamba was brought to the U.S. to receive special treatment and therapy for a horrible even that occurred six years ago. In her home town, near the city of Mwanza, Bibiana, at age sixteen, was drugged in the middle of the night in the same room as her sister and cousin and robbers cut off her right leg and two fingers and were trying to hack off the left leg but Bibiana woke up and they ran away before they could finish the job. Bibiana is albino, and in Africa albinism is thought to aid in good luck and witchcraft. The robbers came to steal her bones and limbs and sell them to witchdoctors. Bibiana was in the hospital for ten months recovering from this excruciating experience. She was brought to the U.S. by the African Millennium Foundation and has been receiving excellent treatment and physical therapy from the Orthopedic Institute for children in Los Angeles. Bibiana is in good spirits and is very thankful for all the foundation has done for her. She is now inspired by her tragedy and hopes to become a doctor so she can one day heal other children's bones too. This article, written by Sara Snider, is important because it demonstrates how dangerous people are and how the beliefs of African citizens are dangerous to certain groups of people. Bibiana and her sister are afraid to go back because they fear once they return, the robbers will come back and finish what they started. People like Bibiana are so inspiring because she took a devastating event and used it to encourage her to help other children who experience similar circumstances.

1 comment:

  1. It's amazing that our country's been able to help so much with recovery of something horrible like that, but it's atrocious that something like that ever would have happened in the first place. I'm all for letting tradition and its practices have their place, but when they involve harming other people (especially for reasons as stupid as this), those need to go. - Jack Higgins Period 6
