Monday, February 16, 2015

Siri, add that to my calendar: Cosmic cloud interloping - 30 million years by Princess Strickland

Billions of years ago, a hydrogen cloud began to form.  The cloud currently under review is called the Smith Cloud.  Right now, it is currently on a course to collide with the Milky Way in another 30 million years.  "When it does, it could deliver extragalactic material to the Milky Way, said astronomer Jay Lockman of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory." the article reports.

One comment under the article caught my attention,

"Siri, add that to my calendar: Cosmic cloud interloping - 30 million years."
Check out fill article here


  1. Interesting article! nice comment you found

  2. This is so cool that we can find and do this. - Quentin Noble

  3. UMM COOL! Wish we would be alive for this because i'm sure it could do some cool things.

  4. That's really cool, but I wonder what the effect of the cloud would be if any.
