Sunday, February 15, 2015

NBC News suspends anchor Williams Madana Kloss 4th 

Brian Williams who is the anchor for NBC "Nightly News" was suspended from being on air because of lying to everyone about a helicopter incident in Iraq. Williams claimed that during the war in Iraq, he was in one of the helicopters that was shot down and spoke to the news about it as if he had experienced it. The truth is that Williams was not on the plane. Williams was on another plane that did not get fired at. On February 4, Williams gave an on air apology about his false statements. 

War veterans thought the apology was insufficient. NBC news had discussions about whether to keep or suspend Williams. Although, Williams agreed to be suspended from the program.This incident connects to when reporter Edward Murrow was trying to confront McCarthy because of lying to America. Now, TV reporter Williams is using lies to save him from his peers.


  1. He should be indefinitely suspended if not fired. He completely lied about an event and about witnessing it, which you absolutely cannot do as a news anchor.

  2. I can't believe a reporter that everyone knows so well would do something so dishonest.

  3. This is definitely deserving. We should be able to trust the people giving us information, frankly I think he should be fired or demoted.

    Lauren Kuehmeier, period 2
