Monday, February 16, 2015

Azra Zuniga - Current events

"A man is convicted of three counts of first-degree murder and one of discharging a firearm into an occupied dwelling. He kills 3 people, all Muslim, 2 newlyweds. His motive; fighting over a parking spot, but some say it is because of the victims' religion."

Although America was founded on the idea of freedom of ideas and a proper cultivation of individualism, Americans find themselves lacking acceptance of expression. (Or just don't have an understanding.) This dates back to the immigrants coming straight from Europe; irish, german, english, etc. People did not learn to accept different views because if one did not fit into their puzzle, they were marked a terrorist. 
With 9/11 and the recent screening of "American Sniper," many muslims have been attacked and mosques have been burnt down. America is now targeting Islam.

"A woman makes her way home after drinking a bit with her neighbor. The very next day she is found face down in the snow, and is pronounced dead at the scene. She had no abrasions, lacerations, etc. and cause of her death is undergoing investigation."

Whether this was a case of murder, poisoning or just sheer drunkenness, the death of this woman is devastating yet interesting. In the prohibition era, many people boycotted alcohol because it ultimately made people more accountable and responsible because they were in control. In this case, this woman had no control of herself because of her drinking beforehand and even the most trivial task such as walking a couple of doors down to her house.

"A recent outbreak of the measles occurred in Arizona with almost 7 affected and 150 cases all over the U.S. 39% of those who have contracted measles received it from coming into contact with it in Disneyland. This has renewed the anti-vaccination argument."

Throughout the course of time, diseases have been the epicenter of death and the spreading of diseases is hard to avoid. In the U.S. specifically, the Native American population died off for the most part because of the transmission of diseases including the measles. Whenever viruses such as the measles and ebola come into light, many people make an effort to become cleaner and be sure they have vaccinations which was not a luxury for Natives hundreds of years ago.

"A gay couple demands that both of their names be put on their child's birth certificate. The court argues that the 'system is not yet accommodated to same sex marriage' therefore he does not believe putting one of the mother's names down as the father is applicable."

Gay marriage has been a topic of debate for decades, and the legitimacy of gay was in question for centuries beforehand so with recent acceptance of gay marriage in multiple states and the acceptance of gay itself comes multiple problems. Many people find the need to argue against gay marriage because they find it unethical and unholy, while it is actually completely scientifically proven and unpreventable.
In this case, the problem is who the child is supposed to belong to. Just because he has 2 mothers, he is not allowed to technically have a couple of parents even though they both have equal legal custody. 

"The first female student body president in a decade is finally being presented as one of very few female student representatives at USC and all over the country. 63% of women usually never think about applying for president compared to 46% of men."

Only one third of 100 of America's top elite schools housed a woman who had a presidential or even executive position as student body representative. The ever present dilemma of sexism and discrimination prevents many women from making it to the top or even trying out for a position. But, lately there has been an increase in interest.
This article shows us how even after centuries of fighting for equal rights, women still do not get half as much power and say as men. This shows how important even the slightest bit of power makes a landmark in history for the advancement of women's rights and pushes boundaries of expectations.

"The White House is proposing a plan to fuel trains with oil. A high cost can go a long ways they say."

The means and methods of transportation are always changing, advancing, and becoming more creative. While oil can be safer and in the cabinet's opinion, more efficient, the extraction of these oils is becoming increasingly dangerous and has long term affects on future generations. Ultimately, the future of our world needs to be considered when making decisions. 

"New York City goes 12 days, the longest streak ever on record, without a report of homicide. Its last murder was the shooting of a man just before midnight."

Crime is just apart of the natural cycle of city life. But when a city that doesn't sleep doesn't hear of someone die in a span longer than a week, it becomes a monumental. Many troubles during the start up of major cities in the beginning of U.S. history laid mostly upon the crime rates, and a lot of those including homicide. Luckily that struggle has been avoided for 12 whole miraculous days.


  1. this is very cool. good idea to put them all in one post.- Quentin Noble

  2. Please post each story separately. Work on your formatting.
