Monday, January 25, 2016

Victoria Garza "Lawsuits Claim Disney Colluded to Replace U.S. Workers with Immigrants"

Leo Perrero and Dena Moore are two former Disney tech workers that were laid off by Disney. Over 250 skilled high performance rating tech workers were laid off and not likely to be rehired for at least a year. Perrero spent his final months training an Indian immigrant to do his job. These two have filed lawsuits against Disney as well as HCL and Cognizant, the companies that brought the immigrants to replace them.

I can see both sides to this story. Firstly, these two workers in particular had high performance ratings and had been working at Disney for an extended period of time. Theoretically, there shouldn't have been a reason for them to be let go. However, I also think that it's good to give immigrants the opportunity to earn their own money and try being successful in the US. The article also mentioned the companies saving money by hiring immigrants which sort of distorts the positive intentions. This is similar to the "new immigrants" in US history that were not accepted by the people and were seen as job stealers.


  1. I also see both sides of the argument. The immigrants are given an oppurtunity

  2. This is interesting but still very disappointing that many qualified workers who had been with Disney for a while were laid off! -Nicole Chatham 6th period

  3. I agree with both sides also. It is good that they are giving immigrants new opportunities and making them feel welcome, but I do feel bad for all the people getting laid off. Most of them probably deserve that job, but it is getting taken by immigrants.

  4. The original workers do deserve their job but it's also helping immigrants fulfill the "American Dream" so you can't do one thing without harming the other. Bella Di Fazio pd:8
